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The YMCA has repeatedly allowed the rights and protections of women and young girls to be violated by men in YMCA facilities. 

This is dangerous for our children, degrading to women, and wrong for all of us!

The rights of women and young girls are slipping away at YMCA'S across the country.  Greater Dayton Area YMCA President/CEO Dale Brunner has stood firm with the following statement:

"The Greater Dayton YMCA adheres to Ohio and Federal laws which allow all members access to its facilities and programs, regardless of religion, national origin, race, color, sex, age, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Given our strong record, our adherence to the law, our dedication to inclusiveness, and our environment designed to protect personal privacy for all, we will not alter our current policies.  Let it be known that, under no circumstances will we investigate an individual's birth gender identity and then, assign individuals to locker rooms.  That would be counter to the law, counter to respect for all people, and is not who or what we are as an organization."

This misguided interpretation of the law gives men permission to use the women's locker room at the YMCA.


Shame on Mr. Dale Brunner and the Greater Dayton area YMCA leadership for not protecting their members from harm. 


Women and young girls deserve to have a safe place to shower and change.

Join us in speaking out against this.  We do not want this for our families or our community. We want a YMCA that is SAFE for our daughters and granddaughters!

Let the TRUTH be told:

  • The local YMCA staff informs a man that he may use any locker room of his choice. That man begins to regularly use the women’s locker room at the YMCA.

  • Beginning in the spring of 2022, multiple women and young girls report seeing a naked man in their YMCA women’s locker room.

  • The YMCA dismisses their complaints and coldly suggests, “if you are uncomfortable using the women’s locker room you may use the family locker room.”

  • In November of 2022, local police begin to investigate multiple reports of indecent exposure at the YMCA.

  • On December 9, 2022, the man seen in the locker room is charged with three counts of indecent exposure.

  • On December 30, 2022, the court, based on credible evidence, grants a Civil Protection Order for the traumatized female YMCA employee.  Read it HERE

  • On March 21, 2023, a bench trial is held with Judge David McNamee presiding. Before a packed courtroom several women, including a minor, testify under oath, describing their experiences in the YMCA women’s locker room. 

  • On April 30, 2023 Judge David McNamee releases his verdict  Read it HERE

  • On May 26, 2023, Ohio Attorney General David Yost issues a written opinion  supporting women’s rights and contradicting the YMCA’s interpretation of Ohio State laws

To this day, the YMCA continues the dangerous practice of permitting men into the women’s locker room. 

God's Two Greatest Commandments

God's two greatest commandments are to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind", the second is "to love your neighbor as yourself"​. If we tolerate actions that bring harm and misery to our neighbors, and that ultimately strip them of their liberties, we are not loving them well.




Share this with all your neighbors and friends who use the YMCA, or are members of the YMCA, so they will be aware of the dangers.

Get flyer here!
Image by Amber Faust

The opinions expressed on this page are NOT the opinions of the YMCA organization, but are solely the opinions of the many women and young girls who have been violated* at a YMCA. 

*to do harm to the person; to fail to show proper respect for; to treat (something precious, sacred, beautiful, etc.) with disrespect or contempt; to act against a principle.

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